Release Notes

October 28, 2021
  • Search engine optimization
October 20, 2021
  • Added hued unique item art for helms, armor, belts, gloves, and boots
  • QAed and fixed some basic item art mismatches
October 19, 2021
  • Added hued set item art
October 18, 2021
  • Added single pages for basic items
  • Added basic items to the Item List page
  • Reformatted the Item List page
October 15, 2021
  • Added issue report buttons and share buttons to items
  • Magic properties of items should now be ordered. Please report any out of order stats.
  • All runeword properties QAed
October 7, 2021
  • Added a Crafting Calculator page
  • Added a Breakpoints page with tables
  • Item art added for unique and basic items. Hued art and art for sets on the way.
  • Item search results are now positioned to dynamically fill space
  • Alphabetized rune words on the Item List page
  • Cleaned up the display for Annihilus and Ormus' Robes
  • Updated visuals for in-site search results
  • Updated scrollbars
  • Crafted items now link to the Crafting Calculator.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Required Level from displaying on single Runeword pages
  • Fixed a bug causing searches for ethereal versions of specific runewords to return 0 results
  • Bunch of other visual updates
  • Fixed incorrect set names for Berserker's Arsenal and Naj's Ancient Vestige
  • Fixed a bug causing searches for runewords with multiple variations (Spirit, Fortitude, etc) to return 0 results
  • Internal site google search close results button now correctly displays button art
  • Home page card for the items list page updated
  • Fixed an issue causing searches for 'All Runewords' and 'X Class Only' returning 0 results
  • Fixed a bug preventing the stats section from loading when navigating to a specific item search URL
  • Harlequin Crest updated to correctly show +2 All Skills
  • Fixed a bug causing some runewords not to load on their single item pages
  • Single item pages now show scaled values based on level 99
  • Hello Reddit!
  • Complete item search UI redesign
  • Tons of visual tweaks
  • Added bronze D2 border to feature cards on the main page
  • Visual tweaking for footer
  • Resized base h1, h2, and h3
  • Visual tweaking for site search results
  • Fixed a bug causing some stats to show as ranges when they weren't
  • Fixed a bug causing duplicate class specific items to show up in item search results
  • Added feedback button
  • Reduced base font size on larger screens from 24px to 16px. Fonts that were < 1rem changed to 1rem. Footer legal font changed from 0.5rem to 0.8rem
  • Added a standard footer to all pages, which includes page links
  • Navigation bar is now standard at the top of every page
  • Updated welcome message sizing
  • Text panels such as this one are now centered vertically
  • Footers are now always positioned at bottom of page
  • Removed some duplicate javascript sources
  • Increased padding for text inside feature cards on the home page
  • Standardized fonts so that all fonts are either Arial or one of the Diablo fonts
  • Removed "Current Features:" heading on home page
  • Added top and bottom padding to the navigation bar
  • Page cards on the home page now have their heights auto sized based on text content
  • Fixed an issue causing there to be no space between cards on the home page
  • Added box shadows to elements on the home page
  • Increased vertical spacing between some elements
  • Updated search button art
  • Updated go to top button art
  • Updated art for the menu button which is shown when the window is too small for the full sized navigation menu
  • Updated styles for site search results
  • Added scrollbar art!
  • Fixed a bug causing an item search error for various searches
  • Style changes
  • Items on the Item List page recategorized by rarity
  • Updated page titles and descriptions
  • Fixed an issue where Angelic Raiment set page would not load due to naming issue in database
  • Fixed an issue where Fortitude (Weapon) page would not load due to an issue with scaling HP calculations
  • Page title styling standardized (except for about, privacy policy, and contact)
  • Added dynamic canonical tags to single item pages
  • Fixed an issue where set and basic (white) boots had smite damage attributes
  • Added language tags to two pages
  • Fixed a search error involving items with certain stats